by January 15, 2021
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Trump WAS WRONG!   When President Donald Trump described Washington DC and politics as the swamp he was wrong. While optically this may have been correct, as most of us associate swamps with bleak mucky ecological areas, from a scientific standpoint they are actually quite nutrient rich contributors to the overall environment. Politics is rarely nutrient rich nor does it often contribute back.   So, if swamp was not the best analogy what is? Washington and as we now know politics nationwide ...
by January 15, 2021
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Who Owns You If you are part of the digital landscape in today’s world you probably know already that Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Apple, Zoom, LinkedIn, TikTok, and many others both domestic and foreign you have likely never heard of, have full control over both your public and private data. They collect data on you, you would never dream they have. The collude with one another to bundle data, build comprehensive profiles using artificial intelligence to the likes you could never imagin...
by January 15, 2021
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WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT Conservative speech is being stifled daily. Our values are under attack. Our businesses, families and lifestyle are being trashed. At Return Red we offer a conservative alternative to an otherwise liberal controlled landscape.   This service is EXPENSIVE and DIFFICULT to develop and maintain. Talent is short to come by and many businesses do not have the courage to stand up for the very Capitalism that keeps their business afloat. ...
by January 14, 2021
Never Trumper, supposed Republican, and possible Mick Jagger stunt double Lisa Murkoski sides with fellow democrats on impeachment. In an unrelated article in Rolling Stone Mick Jagger is quoted as saying “Everyone outside the U.S. is kind of mystified, I’d say, that’s the polite word.”   As a deplorable we would like to encourage Mick to sing more and Lisa to talk less. 
by January 14, 2021
1/13/21 House democrats along with 10 supposed Republicans voted in an historic event to impeach President Donald Trump for a 2nd time. This action may have marked the fastest the House has ever acted on a piece of legislation and came in response to what President Trump characterized as an ongoing witch hunt. Impetuous for this action was supposedly in response to Trump’s speech on 1/5/20 to fellow deplorables in response to what appears to be evidence of voting irregularities from the 11/3/20 ...