by November 1, 2024
Preface. I have been making professional money through Affiliate programs for many years. You can fully support your life with income from affiliate programs. I will share with you my experience of how you can have excellent passive income without leaving home, without spending time and money on work. At the end of the article I will share the method of passive income that I have, this income is the best in my and other people’s lives. Passive income. In the film "My Boy", Hugh Grant plays ...
by November 1, 2024
Preface. I have been making professional money through Affiliate programs for many years. You can fully support your life with income from affiliate programs. I will share with you my experience of how you can have excellent passive income without leaving home, without spending time and money on work. At the end of the article I will share the method of passive income that I have, this income is the best in my and other people’s lives. Passive income. In the film "My Boy", Hugh Grant plays ...
by August 22, 2021
4 Views 1 Like
We want to express our deepest sympathy and prayers to family and frineds of Phil Valentine. Phil Valentine passed away on 8/21/21. Phil was a leader in the Conservative movement and one of the motivating reasons Return Red was established. Having been a listener of Phil from his first broadcast in Nashville I can say he will be truly missed.
by March 16, 2021
Socialism / Communism, for the Left as Biden, says it's merely "cultural differences". As professed, "Reverend" Raphael Warnock claimed in a 2016 sermon socialism is a Christian dictate. According to Bernie Sanders, "Socialism has a lot of different messages to different people." And "I think there has been too much of a reluctance on the part of progressives and radicals to use the word 'socialism.'" As for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez she says "So when millennials talk about concepts like democrat...
by February 28, 2021
As of today, the Senate is evenly divided, with Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote where such is needed. As we all know, this means, in reality, the Democrats control the Senate. While this may hold true by the numbers, Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema are proving to be thorns in the side of democrats wishing to bulldoze through a long list of liberal policies. While Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema are considered moderate democrats by today's standard, it should not be lost on anyone; they...
by February 18, 2021
At Return Red, we recognize content has value. In contrast to other social platforms that take most if not all the profit from user-generated content, Return Red has a different philosophy. At Return Red, we believe that when an advertiser wishes to place advertising on a member’s content, the member should have a say in if the advertising is allowed. If they agree it is appropriate, then we split the ad revenue with them. Our payout is a whopping 1/3 of the total ad buy-in. For members that pro...
by February 17, 2021
  While 2020 did not turn out for Republicans in the Presidential race we made significant gains in the US House. During 2020 Democrats flipped 3 seats while Republicans flipped 15. Based on the numbers that means in 2022 Republicans only need to flip 5 seats, while retaining all current seats in order to retake the House. Even more optimistic would be to primary the 10 House members that voted to impeach Trump a 2nd time on top of adding 5 new Conservatives. This would not only give us a Repub...
by February 16, 2021
1. According to the Congressional Budget Office, more people will be put out of work (1.4M) than are raised out of poverty (900K). ( ) The outcome means a net loss of benefits to 500K. While earning a wage but remaining in poverty is undoubtedly no ideal, relegating one to the unemployed level thrusts most to the highest level of impoverishment.   2. Raising minimum wage across the nation without considering regional differences i...
by February 13, 2021
President Donald Trump made the following statement after the Senate voted to acquit him in his second impeachment trial with a vote of 57-43. I want to first thank my team of dedicated lawyers and others for their tireless work upholding justice and defending truth. My deepest thanks as well to all of the United States Senators and Members of Congress who stood proudly for the Constitution we all revere and for the sacred legal principles at the heart of our country. Our cherished Constituti...
by February 11, 2021
  Recently Mark Cuban announced the Dallas Mavericks would no longer be playing the National Anthem before games.   In response to this, the NBA put out a statement that said: "all teams will play the national anthem in keeping with longstanding league policy."   ...
by February 6, 2021
Michael Shell Podcast. Just Google Michael Shell Podcast To hear the latest episode. Shell ...
by February 3, 2021
by January 30, 2021
I'm not into conspiracy, but in correlating activities since Former President Trump was the Republican nominee for president in 2016 I'm beginning to believe in one. First, and let this sink in, the Obama administration in conjunction with the CIA, the Justice department and the FBI employed surveilance on a presidential candidate and continued to when he became POTUS. That alone should not be acceptable to any of us. Then Democrat Party leaders tried to impeach this president. Both of these act...
by January 28, 2021
5 Views 2 likes
Rand Paul Exposes Liberal Hypocrisy On Incitement Of Violence Is Rand Paul the next rising star of the Conservative movement?
by January 26, 2021
Twitter has announced it's newest social policing programs. While these are being represented as methods to stop misinformation, as most Conservatives already realize, liberals have relabeled any information they disagree with as misinformation, hate speech, and lies. Big Tech's goal seems to be to eliminate non-conforming views that do not match their liberal own. In fact, they are actively lobbying to develop a standard by which the US government should use these guidelines for ALL social plat...
by January 25, 2021
6 Views 2 likes
Little Rock, AR — Sarah Huckabee Sanders today announced her candidacy for Governor of Arkansas. In a video, Sanders noted the important role our governor will have defending Arkansans with the radical left now in control of Washington, and outlined her vision for increasing freedom, security and prosperity in our state. Included here are some key excerpts, or you can click here to watch the announcement video. Defending Arkansans “Everything we love about America is at stake – and with the ra...
by January 21, 2021
14 Views 7 likes
The Big Tech Revolt By Phil Valentine We are in a revolution. The revolution didn’t begin on January 6 with the Capitol riots. Anyone who tells you violence is the solution is dead wrong. The paper patriots who thump their chests and call for some sort of violent overthrow of government are leading you astray. They don’t have a plan. Theirs is an anger-driven reaction that goes absolutely nowhere.   I get the anger. I’m angry too. There has yet to be a full accounting of what happened in the...
by January 16, 2021
Unity WINS! At Return Red our goal is to put America First. History has proven that as America rises so does the rest of the world.   We feel that every country should have this same goal in mind for themselves. If all countries worked to be the best they can be, then the world would experience dramatic positive change. Poverty would lessen, hunger would disappear, humanity would prosper, education levels would rise, health levels and longevity would improve, the environment would flourish, l...
by January 16, 2021
6 Views 1 Like
At Return Red we think it is important to have an open and honest discussion with regards to what is known as Section 230 and the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. We feel that other social platforms have had the full right to censor the information on their sites. Make no mistake we will do the same.   Where we feel other platforms have gone wrong is in misleading people about their information and intent. Many have said that they respect the open opinions of everyone when this was in fac...